Ag Canada has updated its supply and demand tables for major field crops and there were adjustments that are gaining attention. One of the major adjustments was the canola feed, waste and dockage for canola reported to be (-727,000mt). So what does this negative number actually mean for the canola market? According to John Deputter,… Read More
Tag: John Deputter
Market turmoil has always been something that producers have had to deal with, but increasingly, one of the only characteristics of the markets you count on is the instability of the markets. As analyst John DePutter put it, ” Volatility is a fact of life in the markets.” Those ups and downs have become more… Read More
For a lot of farmers marketing wheat can be a lot like playing “Let’s Make a Deal”. You pick what’s behind door number one and hope it’s better than what’s behind doors two and three. It’s guesswork and a lot of luck. For other farmers, it feels like you’re preparing to write a thesis, with… Read More
One topic that is dominating many coffee shops is the planting indecision of farmers across the prairies. Canola is one of the crops that does hold some promise for profits in the 2010 growing season. I wanted to discuss the things farmers should be thinking about in 2010 in terms of the canola market, especially… Read More
The durum market is very ugly for Western Canadian farmers heading into spring. There is an abundance of supply in storage and there is a threat of the supply getting larger this Canadian growing season if acres are not reduced or old crop doesn’t get marketed. Durum traditionally has been a crop that has paid… Read More