Determining sulphur application rates ahead of the crop can be complicated by several factors, including how much sulphur the environment will provide, if elemental forms of sulphur have been applied in the past, and how much rainfall is expected. Sulphur is an important macronutrient that’s also prone to leaching losses and not mobile in the… Read More

Nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorous move quite differently though the soil, and understanding how they travel is key to helping growers choose the best application strategies. Phosphorous, for example, tends to be more like a tortoise, moving slowly and methodically. Nitrogen, on the other hand, is the hare, racing quickly through the plant root… Read More

Nitrogen fertilizer can be lost through volatilization, leaching, or denitrification depending on conditions. Farmers can adapt application practices and timing to minimize loss, and they can choose to have nitrogen fertilizer treated with an enhanced efficiency product. For a discussion on losses, loss management, and what product to use and when, this episode of The… Read More