On Thursday’s RealAg Radio show, host Shaun Haney has the following guests: Kevin Bender, chair of the Canadian International Grains Institute (CIGI); Jim Wiesemeyer, a policy analyst with Pro Farmer; Kevin Grier, agriculture and food market analyst; and, Jessika Guse with the top agriculture news stories of the day. Have feedback? Story idea? Send an… Read More

Dean Dias will step in as interim CEO of the Canadian International Grains Institute (Cigi) when current CEO JoAnne Buth retires on May 24, 2019. Since his start at Cigi in 2009, Dias has held multiple positions with the organization, including IT specialist, manager of programs, and director of value chain relations. Currently, Dias works… Read More

There’s new competition coming in the area of farm cash advance administration in Alberta. The Alberta Wheat Commission (AWC) has announced it will be launching its own program called “FarmCash” to administer advances for Alberta farmers and ranchers through the federal government’s Advance Payments Program. Starting September 1, 2018, FarmCash will offer interest-free and low… Read More

The scoop: Transport Minister Marc Garneau has decided to accept the Senate’s main grain-related amendments to Bill C-49 — the government’s long-awaited transportation legislation. Farm groups are applauding the minister’s decision, while urging MPs and Senators to agree on the amendments and to pass the bill before the summer break. The story: Farm groups are… Read More

The Canadian Grain Commission has announced it is moving five more Canada Western Red Spring (CWRS) wheat varieties to the new Canada Northern Hard Red (CNHR) wheat class due to these varieties not meeting gluten requirements for Western Canada’s flagship CWRS class. After hearing concerns about gluten strength from customers, the Grain Commission tightened the… Read More

When the initial court challenge by the Canadian Wheat Board was launched against the federal government you knew it wouldn’t go unanswered. The first of those legal responses was launched this week by the Western Canadian Wheat Growers Association. The reasoning behind it stems from the CWB’s use of pool funds to launch their suit… Read More

The Canadian Wheat Board election results are in and we didn’t even need a drum roll. The election was quiet before hand and even quieter after the results. Is there anything to take away from this election of the CWB?  Was this election as boring as it seemed and will voter eligibility changes come next?… Read More