Every market functions under supply and demand. To varying degrees, as demand increases, so do prices — if supply stays the same. If supply stays the same or grows but demand drops off, prices fall. It’s a simplified explanation and in the real world several factors play into the total demand, total supply, and the… Read More
Tag: Kevin Grier Market Analysis And Consulting
Thanks for tuning in to RealAg Radio. Today’s show is brought to you by UFA Cooperative! On this episode, host Shaun Haney is joined by: Kevin Grier, of Kevin Grier Market Analysis and Consulting, on food the price inflation blame-game; David Przednowek, CN Rail on the grain movement season to date; and, Hear an excerpt… Read More
Despite the rate of inflation slowing, food prices continue to tell a different story. The latest grocery report released by Kevin Grier Market Analysis and Consulting lays out what’s behind the increasing cost of food, with little evidence that excessive profit-taking by grocers is the culprit. The blame game is certainly being played, says Kevin… Read More
When looking at the overall picture, protein markets have battled the last while, amid rising costs, plant closures and export hiccups. But retail prices have also climbed, with consumer demand keeping pace here at home. For the hog industry, the result has meant a return to decent margins, but trouble could be brewing on the… Read More
Welcome to Wednesday’s edition of RealAg Radio! On today’s show, you’ll hear: Jon Driedger of LeftField Commodity Research, on the crop markets; Olly Peoples of Yield10 BioScience, on the potential for camelina as a fit on the Prairies and Plains; Kevin Grier of Kevin Grier Market Analysis and Consulting, with an update on the pork… Read More
Discussions are underway on whether or not a new beef packing facility would be viable in Saskatchewan. The industry has sustained healthy margins over the past two-and-a-half years and with Saskatchewan being the literal breeding ground for upwards of one million cows, it’s no wonder the province is up for consideration. Saskatchewan Stock Growers Association… Read More
The cattle value chain has undergone significant pressure both to the upside and down since 2019. A major fire at a plant in the U.S. caused a backlog of processing. Soon after, COVID-19 hit. During 2020 and 2021, demand both at home and abroad skyrocketed. In short, for an industry that has to plan for… Read More
It’s hard to avoid news about inflation from major news outlets these days, and caught up in it all is the rising cost of food. Kevin Grier of Kevin Grier Market Analysis and Consulting has published a grocery trade report for September that includes food inflation numbers. He joined Shaun Haney on RealAg Radio recently,… Read More
A surprising thing happened during the COVID-19 lockdown: grocery stores in Canada didn’t jack prices in comparison to their American counterparts. What’s more, the sales of certain items, such as beef, held very strong — much stronger than many anticipated. That demand helped offset the loss of sit-down dining demand. But as Kevin Grier of Kevin… Read More