It’s agronomic Monday on RealAg Radio and you’re in for a treat as host, Shaun Haney, will be covering all five of the major crop types in the country! Guests on the show include: Horst Bohner, OMAFRA soybean specialist on dealing with corn residue; Peter ‘Wheat Pete’ Johnson talks all about fertilizer timing; Ken Ferrie,… Read More
Tag: Koch Fertilizer
Parts per million versus pounds per acre. Olsen versus Bray. Nitrogen versus nitrate… Some of the numbers and technical terms on the paper or email you get from the soil test lab are relevant for understanding nutrient availability for your crop and others don’t actually mean much for growing crops Western Canada. So which numbers are meaningful?… Read More
Every conference season, presentation after presentation reminds farmers of the cost of too-short crop rotations. Increased disease pressure, insect infestations and nutrient depletion of soil all weigh on yields in tight rotations. Agronomic decisions like these commonly play in to the decision on what to seed next on each field, but 2014 is shaping up… Read More