Yield maps aren’t the only data points to collect and analyze. Farms generate all sorts of information that could be useful in determining profit, wasted time or resources, or identifying opportunity. The trouble is, some farms are either generating data with no clear means of using it, or are missing out on capturing simple data… Read More
Tag: Kristjan Hebert
Thanks for joining us for the Tuesday edition of RealAg Radio! On today’s episode of the show, you’ll hear: Top ag news stories of the day with host Shaun Haney and RealAgriculture’s Lyndsey Smith; A new podcast dedicated to beneficial insects, with the first episode featuring Dr. Meghan Vankosky; Franco Naccarato of Ontario Meat and… Read More
In a spin on ‘walk before you can run,’ Kristjan Hebert says that farmers need to focus on the data they already generate before thinking about large-scale data collection. Hebert, managing partner of Hebert Grain Ventures, says that farmers need to focus on understanding their own numbers such as debt servicing ratio and access and… Read More
Today on the RealAg Radio show, you’ll hear: A shoutout to our Mind Your Farm Business podcast; The latest in top ag news with RealAgriculture’s Jessika Guse; Saskatchewan farmer and speaker Kristjan Hebert discusses the importance of identifying risk and having an action plan; and Agricultural economist Brent Gloy speaks on margin compression. Have feedback?… Read More
If when you think of risk in farming you think only of uncontrollable things, like the weather and global trade, or only crop price slides, you’ve likely missed an opportunity to take a more proactive approach to risk management. While it’s easy to get overwhelmed by ‘what if’ scenarios and all the different forms of… Read More
How come we’ve accepted technology in most aspects of growing crops, but we still use job boards and local papers to find hired help? Chances are, the person you’re looking for doesn’t live in the surrounding area, or you’d have hired them by now. Kristjan Hebert, farmer at Moosomin, Sask. and chair of Global Ag… Read More
Forget the silver bullet, whether it’s some nonexistent piece of machinery or the latest snake oil crop input. In reality, the key to boosting a farm’s bottom line is incremental improvements that add up. Kristjan Hebert (@kristjanhebert) is a farmer from Fairlight, Saskatchewan and a proponent of the “five percent rule” — a philosophy advanced by Danny Klinefelter of Texas A&M that stresses… Read More
One more hit out of every 20 at bats — for a baseball player, that’s the difference between an elite .300 batting average and an only-okay .250 average. Over the length of a ballplayer’s career, that extra hit every five or so games will land a player in the Hall of Fame. It’s the difference… Read More