The final tally hasn’t been published yet, but 2022 will go down as the new record high year for soybean yields in Western Canada, mainly southern Manitoba. Statistics Canada’s latest provincial estimate came in at 43 bushels/acre, up from 27 bu/ac in 2021 (see graph below), but Dennis Lange, Manitoba Agriculture’s pulse specialist, says he… Read More

The Manitoba government has announced a temporary reduction to the rental rates for agricultural Crown lands in the province, citing adverse weather conditions that have reduced the productivity and capacity of these leased forage acres. “Stakeholders have told us that rental rates on forage lands are challenging with the hardships they are experiencing following the… Read More

From a crop nutrition perspective, nitrogen losses as N2O or nitrous oxide pale in comparison to what’s lost in N2 form, but N2O has a much greater impact on the total greenhouse gas emissions from fertilizer. As part of this Wheat School episode filmed at Manitoba Crop Diagnostic School, Manitoba Agriculture’s John Heard shares a… Read More

Water hardness is a factor that needs to be considered when spraying, especially when it comes to glyphosate. The high amount of dissolved calcium and magnesium in hard water will tie up weak acid salts such as glyphosate, making it ineffective at killing weeds, and potentially increasing the risk of weeds developing herbicide resistance, explains Kim… Read More