Manitoba farmers are finally able to start getting seed in the ground following a string of spring storms that had some areas of the province receiving over 260 per cent of normal annual rainfall. The excess moisture has been the topic of conversation for numerous weeks now with June fast approaching, along with the threat… Read More
Tag: Manitoba Crop Alliance
Winter wheat’s value in providing critical habitat for ducks and other wildlife will be highlighted on store shelves with a new food and drink label designed to help consumers identify environmentally friendly products. The “Habitat-Friendly Winter Wheat Ecolabel Program” was launched last week as a partnership between Cereals Canada, Alberta Wheat Commission, Saskatchewan Winter Cereals… Read More
The newly-formed Manitoba Crop Alliance (MCA) has announced the results of its inaugural nomination process, as the group called for farmers to sit on its new crop committees. The MCA was formed on August 1, 2020 following the merger of five provincial commodity organizations that collect check-offs on wheat (spring and winter), barley, sunflowers, corn,… Read More
The window for farmers in Manitoba seeding winter wheat or fall rye with crop insurance coverage has been extended by 15 days. Until this year, winter cereals had to be seeded between August 20 and September 15 to be eligible for full coverage from the Manitoba Agricultural Services Corporation (MASC), with 80 per cent coverage… Read More
The Manitoba Crop Alliance (MCA) has announced it will be administering federal cash advance payments for Manitoba farmers, assuming a service that had been offered by the provincial corn growers association. The new multi-commodity group was formed as of August 1, 2020 following the amalgamation of five Manitoba commodity groups, including the Manitoba Corn Growers… Read More
The newly-formed Manitoba Crop Alliance has received its formal designation from the Manitoba government and announced its management team, clearing the path for the multi-commodity organization to begin operating and collecting levies beginning on August 1, 2020. The group, formed through the amalgamation of five provincial commodity associations, has received approval under The Agricultural Producers’… Read More
There were celebratory handshakes and hugs among staff and farmers on the steering committee after the results of the Manitoba farm group amalgamation vote were announced last week at CropConnect. Among the crowd, standing nearby with a relieved grin on his face, was a farmer from southern Manitoba who led a public campaign to unite… Read More
Five Manitoba farm groups have voted in favour of amalgamating into one entity known as the Manitoba Crop Alliance. Farmer members of the Manitoba Corn Growers Association (MCGA), Manitoba Flax Growers Association (MFGA), National Sunflower Association of Canada (NSAC), Winter Cereals Manitoba, Inc. (WCMI), and the Manitoba Wheat and Barley Growers Association (MWBGA) passed a… Read More
After several years of discussions around a possible farm group merger, it’s time for Manitoba farmers to make a major decision regarding the future of provincial commodity organizations. The five groups that administer check-offs for funding research and market development on spring wheat and barley, corn, sunflowers, flax, and winter cereals will each vote on… Read More