Transition planning is multi-faceted. There’s the business, the land, and the emotions to deal with; and figuring it out is contingent on the owners’ willingness to start a hard conversation. For farm businesses, often rooted in a family ownership, this means the parents must first have the initial discussion says Merle Good of GRS Consulting,… Read More

Today’s show, with host Shaun Haney, covers a range of topics. Hear: An overview of the Western Grains Research Foundation, its plan going forward, how decisions are made, and more with executive director Garth Patterson; Some listener feedback on everything from yield contest practices to Canada’s relationship with China; Land transfers and succession planning, with… Read More

There are sound reasons to incorporate the farm — significant financial reasons, operation benefits and very real long-term business planning implications. But if incorporating is so beneficial, why aren’t most farms carrying the Inc. behind the business name? In this episode of Mind Your Farm Business, Shaun Haney asks veteran farm management advisor Merle Good… Read More