Thanks for tuning in to this Tuesdays with Lyndsey edition of RealAg Radio! Host Lyndsey Smith is joined by: Shaun Haney in conversation with Bill Prybylski, on his plans as the new president of the Agricultural Producers Association of Saskatchewan; Amber Bell talking to Dr. Louis-Pierre Comeau with Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada on the Soil Biome… Read More

Being an agronomist means knowing about plants, diseases, soil, and insects, but it also requires the ability to navigate difficult conversations, earn trust, and drive change. The people part of the agronomy equation is the topic of this episode of The Agronomists. Here to talk about personality differences, clear communication, and patience with people is… Read More

Timing crop protecting sprays is an important decision to make to ensure the health and quality of the crop. While sometimes weather conditions don’t allow farmers to be as precise in timing as they’d like to be, there are some variables that should be taken into consideration when weighing the options of getting back out… Read More

Maximizing nitrogen uptake is a main priority for pulse growers and ensuring success starts with being knowledgeable about identifying proper nodulation. Mike Palmier, with MaxAg Consulting, joins us for this episode of the Pulse School, where we discuss when to scout for nodulation, why it’s important, how to assess if nodules are healthy. What happens if… Read More