Every farmer at some point in their career has to deal with gremlins. From the moment you park your machinery it’s a virtual free for all of loosening bolts, fraying belts and poking holes in things. That’s why every year at seeding, sure enough, as soon as you take that equipment out to use it,… Read More
Tag: Morris Industries
In part one of our RealAgriculture Roundtable we discussed with Don Henry of Morris Industries the advantages and the complications that have come from the rise of precision agriculture. This time around we bring up a topic that comes up at almost every farm show where big equipment is involved: How big is too big?… Read More
In an environment of “bigger is better” the Morris CX8105 seed drill seems to stick out like a sore thumb. Almost every farm show you attend seems to cater to the large acre farmer. The CX8105 is an offering developed especially for the smaller farm. With models that come in 25 and 30 foot widths… Read More
The RealAgriculture Roundtable reconvened last week during Canada’s Farm Progress Show in Regina, Saskatchewan. This time around, Shaun and Lyndsey were joined by Morris Industries Chief Operating Officer Don Henry. We’ve talked with Don before on RealAgriculture.com and he is extremely knowledgable when it comes to farm equipment and cropping in general. With that in… Read More
In a great many cases there is a very short, specific window in which producers can find ideal conditions to get a hay crop off the field. When that opportunity presents itself, you have to move quickly and get those bales off the field with as little difficulty as possible. Being able to load and unload those… Read More
When you’re looking at controlling costs on the farm, the issue of overlapping with seed and fertilizer can be a big one. Especially in crops like canola, over seeding and over application of fertilizer can have a very negative impact on growth and development and end up being very costly for the farmer. Controlling that… Read More
Trash can be a major pain for farmers using independent openers come seeding time, especially if residue isn’t managed properly off the combine at harvest. Straw and other material can accumulate around the drill shank pretty quickly affecting seed depth and placement. If you’re running any drill with independent openers, navigating through trashy stubble can… Read More
One of the coolest things about trade shows is the “hot off the press” angle many manufacturers take in showcasing their products. This year at the Western Farm Progress Show in Regina, I saw a number of those products. Some of the products are so new, they don’t have pricing yet. It makes for a… Read More
In case you haven’t noticed, equipment is getting bigger every year. Bigger is always relative depending on where you farm. As farms become larger, farmers need to make sure that they are operating with the most ideal efficiency. Getting bigger equipment is not always as easy because it requires larger trucks, larger tractors and more… Read More