With concern over bee health and the potential impact of seed treatments that contain neonicotinoid products increasing, the seed industry is taking steps to offer farmers choices in seed treatment options for 2014. How do you decide if you need to order seed with or without an insecticide seed treatment? Greg Stewart, corn specialist with… Read More
Tag: Mra
The first rule of planting winter wheat is to start early. If you didn’t (and, with a late soybean harvest, that’s reasonable to expect), the next rule of planting winter wheat is to start now. That’s because the earlier in the ideal seeding window winter wheat gets in the ground, the more likely that crop… Read More
With high fusarium levels threatening the quality of this year’s wheat crop, Peter Johnson, cereal specialist with the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food, is urging farmers to take the grain off early so as to minimize the growth and spread of the disease. That’s all good and well, say farmers, but the crop is… Read More
While the name suggests it’s a pest of bean crops, the western bean cutworm isn’t the most discerning of pests — corn will do just fine, thank you very much. Since 2008, western bean cutworm has been on Ontario’s radar, as pest numbers are building and farmers may need to spray to control this pest… Read More
Soybean aphids don’t always cause a problem thanks, in part, to effective control products. But aphid numbers are cyclical despite good control and additional control is sometimes needed. That said, the pest can be kept in check with high populations of beneficial insects present, making scouting and re-scouting a critical means of protecting the soybean… Read More