Olds College and the University of Saskatchewan (USask) have signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) at Canadian Western Agribition at Regina, Sask. The MOU’s purpose will be to collaborate in joint activities related to automation and increased incorporation of digital data in agriculture. It will cover a five-year period and will be governed by a joint… Read More

One of the most data-intensive fields in Canada has received a $300,000 donation from BASF Digital Farming. The donation is as a part of its three-year commitment to support the Olds College Smart Farm. Made on behalf of the company’s xarvio Digital Farming Solutions brand, it benefits the farm’s HyperLayer data concept, a process that… Read More

Lethbridge College and Olds College have signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) focused on applied agriculture research. To launch the agreement, both colleges have signed on to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), becoming the first two colleges in Alberta, and among the first in Canada, to sign the accord. Both colleges are committed to supporting… Read More

It’s been a few years since DOT, the autonomous farm robot now owned by Raven Industries, made waves in the ag industry. Now that it’s had a chance to run, how does it fare in the field? Daniel Stefner, fourth year Bachelor of Applied Science agribusiness major student at Olds College, recently joined Shaun Haney… Read More

TELUS Agriculture is investing $1 million in Olds College’s 2,800-acre Smart Farm. The investment will support the development, acceleration, and integration of technology into the global agri-food value chain. It will also support the goals of more efficient and sustainable food production with fewer inputs and reduced waste. The Olds College Smart Farm will act… Read More

Post-secondary institutions must evolve to serve the needs of an ever-changing job market. For a diverse industry like agriculture, courses, research, and experience must change too. To discuss the SmartFarm concept and plant breeding funding advancements, we go to Stuart Cullum, president of Olds College, for this LIVE! Q&A. Don’t miss RealAg LIVE! weekdays at… Read More

Alberta Agriculture and Forestry’s field crop development centre is changing its location, and how its research is conducted. Now to be housed at Olds College — through an initial $10.5 million grant over three years, funded through Results Driven Agriculture Research (RDAR) — the barley breeding program will continue to develop and introduce new varieties… Read More

Olds College is receiving a $200,000 investment from the Alberta government to support a new partnership with SVG Ventures’ THRIVE accelerator and startup platform, which focuses on bringing technology-driven solutions to the agriculture and food sectors. The investment, funded through the Canadian Agriculture Partnership (CAP), builds on the Alberta government’s September 21 commitment of $1… Read More

Olds College is receiving just over $21 million from the Alberta government for capital upgrades to animal health and ag-tech education facilities. The funding announced Friday will allow for expansion and revitalization of the Lachlin McKinnon Building into a new Animal Health Education Centre. This project is receiving $15.16 million from the province. The other… Read More

In April, Olds College unveiled a new precision agriculture diploma, a program the dean of program development in agriculture technology says aligns with industry needs, and offers the opportunity for students to think in different ways. Olds College’s James Benkie was on hand at AgSmart in August, where he shared some of the details of… Read More