A gift of 316 acres of agricultural land located near Carstairs, Alta. was donated to Olds College. Valued at $1.2 million, the donation was made on behalf of the estate of Willem Pistra. “Both my parents would be thrilled to know that the farmland will be contributing to research that will improve farming practices in… Read More

A brand new program with a focus on precision agriculture will be available this fall at Olds College. Being dubbed Techgronomy, graduates will be prepared for careers that require a “deep understanding of the connectedness between agronomy, agriculture machinery/purpose built network management, and data sciences,” the school says. “This diploma program will help students discover… Read More

A well-known name in Canadian agriculture, Olds College recently named Art Froehlich as thought leader in smart agriculture for the school. This new position, made possible as a result of the donation by David Werklund and Susan Norman, will act as an advisor and industry connector within the Werklund Agriculture Institute, the college says. As thought… Read More

It’s easy to overlook the resources post-secondary institutions provide outside of formal education, but facilities like Olds College’s Technology Access Centre for Livestock Production offer much more than a typical education track. “The Technology Access Centre is a new initiative made possible by NSERC [the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada],” says manager… Read More