Farmers who bought a new planter with a dust deflector, retro-fitted an after market one or fabricated their own since last spring may be eligible for cost-share funding through the Great Lakes Agriculture Stewardship Initiative program. Margaret May, regional coordinator with the Ontario Soil and Crop Improvement Association, is reminding farmers that the deadline to… Read More
Tag: Oscia
Your farm is your business and your career, and just like any other line of work, professional development is important. How do you make sure your farm is running at its most profitable? How do you get up-to-speed on rules and regulations? How to do you keep track of where your farm is at? The… Read More
If you’re one of the farmers who submitted an application for Growing Forward 2 funding and were turned down, you’re not alone. Whenever a new or changed funding model rolls out, there’s always a learning curve. But does a first rejection mean you should abandon the application? Not necessarily. As Margaret May, regional program lead… Read More
If farmers want continued access to neonicotinoid seed treatments, they’re going to have to do two things: one, practice a series of beneficial management practices to minimize dusting off at planting; and, two, participate in strip trials of insecticide-treated and non-insecticide-treated corn and soybean seed in 2014. Ontario Ministry of Agriculture cereal specialist, Peter Johnson,… Read More
As news of the sixth and seventh confirmed on-farm case of porcine epidemic diarrhea virus was announced (as of February 5, 2014), the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food and the Ontario Soil and Crop Improvement Association is urging farmers to make use of a special biosecurity intake for farmers impacted by the devastating disease. The… Read More
If you’re like most, the idea of filling out paperwork is rather low down on the “how I like to spend my free time” list. At the same time, the extra effort it takes to stay in the know and access government funding can be well worth it, as there are several options within Growing… Read More
If you cannot see the above embedded audio player, click here We have discussed retro-fitting older farm equipment with the latest in precision farming technology in the past, but we think that we have found maybe the most significant retro fit ever. Middlesex Soil and Crop has invested in a 1977 JD6600 combine to change it into a… Read More
An idea is only good if it works. I know that statement may fall under the category of “Duh”, but when it comes to putting theory into practice on your farm, it has to be tailor made for YOUR farm and how you run it. Someone can say, “you need to cut costs”, but only… Read More