All good things must come to an end, unfortunately. It wasn’t that long ago that crop prices ran up to incredible highs, where it seemed the only wrong selling decision was not hitting the *new* high. But this is not 2022, and those high prices did their job of discouraging demand or sending sales elsewhere…. Read More

Wild weeds. Ponding. Carryover damage. Cutworm feeding. What’s the biggest agronomic challenge facing you right now? It’s officially summer and that means the crop is growing rapidly (we hope!), but it also means each crop stage brings a new set of challenges to overcome. While conditions vary wildly between geographies, both Ontario and western Canada… Read More

It only takes a split second of inattention, spurred by rushing or fatigue, for a near-miss to become a life-altering event. If that sounds dramatic, so be it. I’m not sure I’ve ever spoken to someone who has been in a farm accident who said they saw it coming. Too often we think we’re fast… Read More

Unless you count volcanic eruptions out at sea (and we don’t), every year there are fewer and fewer acres available for growing food, building houses, or setting aside for habitat. The decision of what should be built where or how land should be used is a complicated, complex, and controversial topic. In this episode of… Read More

Canada has finally decided on how crop varieties developed with gene-editing technology will be handled in the registration and approval process. Announced last week, crops developed using the technique will not be considered a GMO or “novel” and therefore will have a more streamlined path to approval. Now that plant breeders and seed companies know… Read More

If current crop prices, input prices, equipment values, and interest rates have you reconsidering a major purchase, you’re not alone. Thinning crop margins and an increasingly more challenging farm financial outlook for the year are showing up in some equipment sales trends and forecasts. Large equipment purchases are rarely snap decisions, however, and many farms need… Read More

Before the Canada-United States-Mexico Agreement, a.k.a New NAFTA, CUSMA, or USMCA, comes up for review in July of 2026, Canada, Mexico, and the United States will all have gone through a federal election. Two of the three countries could have the same leader in place as today; however, that’s unlikely. It is also possible that… Read More

Canada added 40,000 jobs last month, but the unemployment rate actually climbed to 5.8%, since we’re still adding more people than jobs to the economy. For those in the agriculture sector, we know all too well just how tight the labour market has been and will be going forward. On the national scope, the Canadian… Read More