Shares for Nutrien — the new company formed by the merger of Agrium Inc. and Potash Corporation of Saskatchewan Inc. — started trading in Toronto and New York this morning. After receiving final clearance from the United States’ Federal Trade Commission on December 27th, the deal to create the world’s largest crop nutrient provider, which also owns… Read More

The Canadian Competition Bureau has issued a no-action letter saying it will not challenge the proposed merger between Potash Corporation of Saskatchewan and Agrium Inc. In a statement, the federal regulator said it concluded the Canadian fertilizer manufacturers’ plan to create a new company called Nutrien “would not lead to a substantial lessening or prevention… Read More

Canadian fertilizer giants Agrium and Potash Corporation of Saskatchewan say they’ve reached a deal to merge their businesses to form the largest fertilizer company in the world. The new company, which would be named before the transaction is finalized, would be worth around US$36 billion, with close to 20,000 employees and operations in 18 countries,… Read More

Russia’s Uralkali has put the market through the ringer this morning.  In a story that has many caught off guard, Russia’s Uralkali has decided to break up its partnership in Belarus Potash Company.   This has greatly impacted the ability for the potash cartel to operate effectively. As reported on this morning, The break-up of the Belarus… Read More

The Province of Saskatchewan, the University of Saskatchewan and Potash Corporation of Saskatchewan Inc. (PotashCorp) have launched the Global Institute for Food Security (GIFS) to develop Saskatchewan-led solutions to feed a growing world population. With initial commitments of up to $35 million from PotashCorp and $15 million from the province over the next seven years,… Read More