Do yourself or your clients a big favour and do a quick scan now of the Keep it Clean list of crop protection products to avoid some uncomfortable conversations at grain delivery. While it may be frustrating to learn that approved products may have marketing limitations, the Keep it Clean program supported by the Canola… Read More

The Prairie Oat Growers Association (POGA) announced Wednesday morning Jenneth Johanson is taking over the role as president. Johanson, calls Lac de Bonnet, Manitoba, home and began her term on the POGA board in 2016. On top of regular board duties, she has participated in the federal delegation to China twice and also sits on… Read More

Federal agriculture minister Gerry Ritz was on hand at Brandon’s Ag Days yesterday to announce more than $3.7 million in funding awarded to projects spearheaded by the Prairie Oat Growers Association (POGA). The funding is targeted at varietal development and to help oat producers sell more of their crop in the global marketplace. POGA will… Read More