Harvest is a stressful time of year — things have to get done, but it’s not a time for cutting corners when it comes to farm safety. That’s the message Rob Gobeil, health and safety specialist for the Canadian Agriculture Safety Association (CASA), shared when he visited with RealAg Radio host Shaun Haney earlier this… Read More

Chances are you’ve never decanted window cleaner and blue raspberry gatorade side-by-side, but if you did, you’d likely be shocked at the similarity. In fact, many chemicals bear striking resemblances to palatable substances, particularly to a child’s eye. And that was one of the messages brought to Saskatchewan by the Canadian Agricultural Safety Association (CASA)… Read More

Although Mother Nature hasn’t been too kind to us, the reality is — harvest is slowly starting to come to an end. This means more equipment will be seen on the roads and highways in the coming weeks. Unfortunately, there have been multiple crashes across Canada involving farm equipment and regular motorists lately. Rob Gobeil, safety… Read More