Feedback from last year’s Advanced Farm Management Program was overwhelmingly positive. So much so in fact, that the program has expanded to three different locations in Ontario. This year, Guelph, North Gower and Chatham, Ontario will host the program, giving participants in each location a chance to bring their farm management skills to the next… Read More

Wheat is a crop that is grown around the world.  There is a harvest somewhere in the world every month of the year.  The winds of change have been blowing in the wheat industry with the influx of new breeding and trait development capital from the private sector.  Many insiders are expecting changes to the… Read More

This week I was reading themonthly edition of the Synthesis – Network E-Newsletter and I was intrigued.  Not only was it the first list for what will happen in 2011 in agriculture, but it also was quite good.  In the list Rob Hannam and his team covered sustainability, cattle markets and economic volatiliity.  This is… Read More