If you applied a pre-emergent herbicide before planting your corn and didn’t get the moisture to activate it, don’t despair and don’t feel like you’ve thrown some money down the drain. You still get weed control during that critical weed-free period, says Rob Miller, technical development manager with BASF. As you can see in this… Read More

Crop researchers and agronomists are encouraging Ontario farmers to continue to follow established stewardship recommendations when using dicamba herbicides. Last week, a U.S. court decision to cancel the registration of in-crop use of dicamba herbicides left regulators, product manufacturers, herbicide applicators and farmers scrambling to understand the ramifications of the ruling and the implications for… Read More

Strip tillage for corn continues to gain momentum as more growers cultivate strips to reduce total tillage and place seed and fertilizer in soil that warms faster prior to planting. But what about weed control? How do growers keep yield-robbing weeds at bay in these cultivated strips and optimize the potential of the growing environment… Read More

It’s mid-April and the weeds are growing in eastern Canada. Overall, good weather has many fields one month ahead of schedule, and in some cases, two months ahead of backward 2019 spring conditions, notes BASF agronomist Rob Miller. That means it’s time for growers to tackle perennial weeds and winter annuals like Canada fleabane before… Read More

Don’t skip that burndown. That’s Rob Miller’s number one recommendation for soybean growers as a cold, wet spring pushes into May. Miller, BASF’s technical development manager, notes 2018 post-harvest conditions prevented many growers from controlling weeds in corn fields last fall and the yield-robbers are lurking beneath corn residue, waiting to compete with the 2019… Read More

It’s a bitterly cold Monday across much of Canada, however, it’s perfect timing for a guest RealAg Radio host Shaun Haney has lined up for today’s show. Drew Lerner, of World Weather Inc., shares his insight into what farmers may expect from  the Canadian weather forecast heading into seeding. You’ll also hear from Jessika Guse,… Read More

Look through many soybean seed catalogues and you’ll find an ‘LL’ in the trait category surrounded by a plethora of ‘RR2Y’ and ‘RR2Xtend’ abbreviations, noting the last two versions of Roundup Ready seed technology. The number of  Liberty Link (LL) herbicide system varieties are few compared to the massive Roundup Ready seed footprint, but the technology… Read More