Sweeping changes are taking place in crop protection, especially when it comes to traditional chemicals. I believe these changes are for the best, but they’re going to take some explaining to consumers. Here’s what’s happening. At the BASF media summit in North Carolina this week, the company announced it was introducing an eye-popping 20 new… Read More
Tag: Rob Miller
Disease control timing in soybeans is coming up quickly, and wet conditions in many parts of Ontario could mean high pressure in some areas. Optimal fungicide timing is crucial for best and cost-effective control, and with that in mind some farmers may be interested in tank-mixing products in with fungicides to save a pass over… Read More
At the end of the year, when all is said and done and you’re looking at what your corn crop produced, it’s a really good exercise to think about where yields are now vs where they were. Then start to stack up everything that went up against it from late planting to cool temperatures, hot… Read More
We’ve talked about the importance of pre-plant control of Canada fleabane, and how to avoid letting this weed get a foothold in your field, but what are your options when it is there? There are several options, but the effectiveness of both tillage or herbicides is influenced by many factors. Tillage is only about 70%… Read More
Protecting the almighty flag leaf of a wheat crop is paramount, as this single, fat leaf contributes the vast majority of energy to fill those kernels. Timing a fungicide application to protect against leaf diseases like tan spot or septoria must happen before heads emerge to really benefit the crop. Of course, as heads start… Read More
An nasty cold weekend has left many corn and wheat fields looking just a little sad over a huge area of southern Ontario. According to wheat specialist, Peter Johnson, wheat still in the boot should be fine, but fields with heads emerged could see some yield damage. Similarly, the staging of the corn crop at… Read More
With recent dry conditions slowly sapping the potential from the Ontario corn crop, producers want to protect their corn in any way they can. Leaf disease on top of heat stress can add insult to injury taking even more of your yield potential. A well timed fungicide application, when it makes good economic sense, can… Read More