Welcome to this Tuesday edition of RealAg Radio. Today’s show — sponsored by Syngenta Canada — is filled with a great lineup. You’ll hear: The top ag news stories of the day with host Shaun Haney; Brian Innes, on his new role as executive director at Soy Canada, a position that starts in the beginning… Read More
Tag: Robert Klewchuk
A taller than normal pulse crop in Western Canada this year could require a different approach for managing drydown. “This year we do have pulse crops that are enormous,” notes Rob Klewchuck, technical lead for Western Canada with Syngenta, in the video below. With tall plants and thick canopies, a desiccant like diquat (eg. Reglone… Read More
Anybody thinking of growing lentils or peas in Western Canada this year? Syngenta is introducing a new fungicide to help growers protect pulses from foliar diseases such as anthracnose, ascochyta blight, mycosphaerella blight and powdery mildew. Elatus features two modes of action — a combination of Syngenta’s new Group 7 fungicide known as Solatenol (benzovindiflupyr) and a… Read More
In any situation, broadleafs and wild oats left unchecked in your field can end up robbing you of the yield you desire. The best way to manage these nutrient scavengers is to make sure you are using your crop protection products that work quickly and effectively. Ensure that you do your own research on the… Read More
Every once in a while there’s something you see at a trade show that stops you in your tracks. In today’s world, that’s quite a feat considering the sheer volume of bells and whistles aimed at you to get your attention. This year, Syngenta had on display their “virtual agronomist” patterned after Robert Klewchuk, Syngenta’s… Read More
In this episode of the Wheat School, we head to Regina to talk with Syngenta Technical Field Manager Robert Klewchuk about control strategies for wild oats. Wild oats act as scavengers in your wheat stand. They can steal valuable nutrients from your crop, affecting yields and crop development. While a pre-seed burn has been effective… Read More
Some weeds are very easy to kill at lots of different stages of growth. Some weeds must be dealt with very early in the growing process. One of these weeds is the kochia weed. It is found in many parts of the US and Canada and it can become a major headache at harvest time… Read More
Saskatchewan has had some real challenges early in this cropping season. There are some bright spots that would even suggest ideal conditions with some needed timely showers. These regional differences provide real challenges for the province as it attempts to manage the diverse cropping situations across the province. I was out shooting some wheat school… Read More