Have you got your soil tests done for the year? If not, that’s just fine, as late fall is actually a great time to test soil nutrient levels, says Ross McKenzie, now-retired soil scientist (from Alberta Agriculture). Without a soil test to guide the decision, farmers are choosing fertilizer rates “by guess and by golly,”… Read More

If you’re like many modern farmers, you want specific answers to your toughest agronomy questions. What’s more, answers from a province away or even a few hundred kilometers away aren’t good enough — you want results garnered from your farm, with your soil and using your management practices. That means using the technology you’ve already… Read More

It is that time of year when farmers are placing their orders for soil sampling with fertilizer retailers and professional agronomists.  When you decide to soil test it is essential that you request the proper depths and analysis of those depths in order to make the right fertilizing decisions.  Many producers fall into the trap… Read More