A tumultuous and trying winter grain shipping season is wrapping up on a much higher note, thanks to decent weather, resolved blockades, and fully-opened tracks. Sean Finn, executive vice-president of corporate services and chief legal officer for CN Rail, says that although the railway is taking extra precautions regarding COVID-19, the network is working well… Read More

It’s the last day of the Canadian Seed Trade Association semi-annual meeting, and that’s where we find RealAg Radio host Shaun Haney. Today’s show is jam packed with content from across the country. You’ll hear from: The top ag news with RealAgriculture’s, Jessika Guse; Highlights from the Ag Excellence Conference, with RealAgriculture’s Bernard Tobin and… Read More

In the week since the CN Railway strike ended, a top executive says they’re on the right track to get grain and other products moving as they once were. CN’s executive vice-president and corporate services and chief legal officer, Sean Finn, says although the strike meant setbacks, they were still able to move close to… Read More

In an outreach effort to connect with the agriculture sector, last week CN Railway took members of the agriculture industry aboard their executive train for a chance to have an open dialogue about how the two industries interact with each other. CN’s executive vice-president corporate services and chief legal officer, Sean Finn was along for… Read More

CN Rail says it is moving ahead with a previously discussed plan to purchase 1,000 new grain hopper cars over the next two years following the passage of Bill C-49 in Parliament earlier this week. “This substantial investment in higher capacity payload hopper cars, with up to 10 per cent more capacity than the older… Read More