Children have enjoyed playing with nesting dolls for years and years. You know the ones — where opening one doll leads to finding another, smaller doll inside. What does a delightful children’s toy have to do with pea aphids in lentil crops? Let’s explain. Pea aphids are parthenogenic and much like the beloved nesting dolls,… Read More

Thanks for tuning in to this Agronomic Monday edition of RealAg Radio. Host Shaun Haney is joined by: RealAgriculture’s in-house agronomist Peter Johnson to discuss variability in the edible bean crop, seeding winter wheat, and more; Also hear from Jason Casselman with Canola Council of Canada on soil sampling; Sean Prager with the University of… Read More

The University of Saskatchewan has launched the Insect Research Facility (USIRF), the first of its kind at a western Canadian university. The new facility will also be one of only a few facilities in Canada specifically designed to conduct research on arthropod plant pests and beneficial insects. Funding for the design and construction of USIRF… Read More

There are several species of aphid that are a pest on several crop types, but on the bright side, there’s only one species of aphid canola farmers need to worry about. As Sean Prager, assistant professor of plant sciences at the University of Saskatchewan explains, it’s the green peach aphid, or Myzus persicae, that causes… Read More