4-H Canada has announced the recipients of its Leadership Excellence Awards of Distinction (L.E.A.D). L.E.A.D., which is supported by CN Rail, is 4-H Canada’s most prestigious honour, recognizing outstanding youth members who demonstrate 4-H values in their everyday lives. The awards recognize youth who have become exceptional leaders through their 4-H experience, and who share… Read More

4-H Canada members and supporters celebrated the 4-H Canada Leadership Awards earlier this week, in a virtual event to recognize the contributions of youth, leaders, alumni, and champions. The event was hosted by comedian Rick Mercer and celebrated the 4-H movement across Canada. It also highlighted the resilience of the organization’s members, volunteers, and programs… Read More

Enrolment in 4-H is holding steady in Canada despite geographical challenges, and the organization is offering a wide range of programs beyond the traditional. “I think much like agriculture, 4-H has evolved — who would have thought that technology would play such a big part in agriculture, and who would have thought 4-H had drone… Read More

Today, host Shaun Haney is broadcasting from Ottawa, Ont., for a special show on Canada’s Ag Day. Hear: Collaboration, networking, and an update from the Canadian Federation of Agriculture, with president Mary Robinson; McDonald’s Flagship Farmer Program, and collaboration with the Canadian Roundtable for Sustainable Beef, with Jean-Guillaume Bertola, marketing director – brand strategy and… Read More

Following a funding commitment, 4-H Canada has announced it will continue its Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) programs for five more years. The extension of the program is made possible through a $500,000 contribution from Bayer Crop Science. “Our partnership with Bayer is critical to building capacity around STEM for 4-H youth across Canada,”… Read More

New this year for 4-H Canada, kids will have the option to learn and develop their science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) skills. Clubs across Canada will take part in a science experiment dubbed ‘in a box’. The kits provided to the kids contain all the components needed to build a wearable health monitor following… Read More