From loud and colourful pants, to the excellent speakers’ line up, to true Saskatchewan innovation and the oddly-placed moat at the Saskatoon Inn, by all accounts 2013’s Crop Production Show and Crop Production Week was a roaring success. RealAgriculture’s Shaun Haney and Lyndsey Smith took in the show and conference, but not content to simply… Read More
Tag: Shaun Haney
2012 is winding down, but optimism and fed cattle prices are up. Heading into to 2013, the Canadian beef cattle industry looks strong, although high feed prices are still weighing on the market. Our American friends are still struggling with a drought that isn’t resolving quickly, which may offer some support to prices in the… Read More
‘Tis the season for not just gifts and celebrations, but also countdowns and Top 10 lists. is not immune to such year-end traditions, and, in the spirit of the holidays (and impending end of the world? Maybe), Shaun Haney and Lyndsey Smith have done an overview of the year’s top ag news and events…. Read More
Last week’s U.S. beef market opened with the same strong numbers leading up to American Thanksgiving. By the end of the week, numbers had, as expected, weakened somewhat, as supplies increase in the U.S. In Canada, the reverse is true for supplies — as the fall run ends, the basis is tightening. Canadian cattle producers… Read More
The release of the iPhone 5 came, as usual, with a lot of fanfare and then a wake of criticism following behind it. The biggest criticism legitimately targeted Apple’s new mapping system which has been buggy from the word go. The backlash even coaxed a very rare apology out of Apple CEO Tim Cook. The… Read More
It has been a very special week for Not only did we win the Canadian Farm Writers Award for best website but its also our four year birthday. On September 24, 2012, Shaun Haney posted the first blog on the site. Amazingly, 1327 posts and 947 videos later, the site is still going strong… Read More
Each year, the Canadian Farm Writers’ Federation holds an annual conference that brings together over 100 agriculture journalists to offer an up close and personal look at agriculture. The conference is held in a different province each year in order to highlight many different aspects of food, feed and fuel production in the country. This… Read More
This past week Apple won a patent case against Samsung and was awarded one billion dollars for its troubles. This battle is not over and there will be months and maybe years of appeals, countersuits and more intellectual property lawyers getting filthy rich. In this episode of the AgNerds, Shaun Haney and Peter Gredig discuss… Read More
The RealAgriculture Roundtable reconvened last week during Canada’s Farm Progress Show in Regina, Saskatchewan. This time around, Shaun and Lyndsey were joined by Morris Industries Chief Operating Officer Don Henry. We’ve talked with Don before on and he is extremely knowledgable when it comes to farm equipment and cropping in general. With that in… Read More
Canada’s Farm Progress Show in Regina was a great success for the attendees and the exhibitors. At the end of the show on Friday, The RealAgriculture team huddled at the mobile command center (shaun’s fifth wheel) to discuss the show and take a look at the crazy week that was. We discuss the huge seed… Read More