It’s always a good thing when you see social media being used in a helpful and constructive way. It’s not that a picture of a bacon sundae isn’t important to share with the world, it’s just that there may be a slightly more beneficial way to utilize the camera on your mobile phone. Take for… Read More

Processors are becoming smaller and faster all the time. Its those attributes that have given rise to the flurry of powerful mobile devices we see today. Todays phone or tablet is faster than most desktops or laptops that existed even 5 years ago and just as powerful or as useful as a great deal that… Read More

Now that it looks like the Canadian Wheat Board’s single desk is about to be extinguished, it seems that the main stream media has turned its focus to the Canadian Dairy industry.  Is the CWB situation the same as the supply mananged dairy industry?  Should the Canadian dairy industry be in Gerry Ritz’s cross hairs next? … Read More

This morning I was scanning my news feeds and I stumbled across a tweet from MB Farm Journal.  The topic of the tweet was the apparent need for increased cattle slaughter capacity in Manitoba.  The discussion in the video was with the candidates in the Manitoba provincial election.  They were discussing the apparent need in… Read More

This time of year can be exhausting. Long hours in the cab are a regular part of harvest time everywhere and farmers find themselves looking for anything to keep their minds engaged through the monotony of the tractor cab. Radio is a great option, but you find yourself at some point sick of the repetitive… Read More

Most of you will have attended different plot tours through the summer. No matter which ones you attended you are very likely to of heard the same jargon, lingo and company speak at every single one. Even though all manufacturers, service providers and breeding programs are committed to research, product development and cutting edge technologies… Read More

By Shaun Haney has been at several plot tours and company meetings this summer and there is a definite common theme of product development trending amongst the life science companies. It appears that in the near term the agronomic innovation will be derived in the areas of seed enhancement and fungicides instead of herbicides…. Read More

While giving a presentation this week at the Canadian Seed Growers meeting in Hamilton I talked about the critical role that mobile plays in the deployment of social media on the farm. A very bright young seed grower friend of mine asked some very interesting questions during the panel discussion. Eric’s thoughts were, “Every time… Read More