Tough to say and even harder to control, aphanomyces has the potential to significantly reduce pea and lentil yields, and can stick around in the soil for an extremely long time. It’s recommended that farmers not plant pea or lentil for five to six years if aphanomyces has been confirmed in a field, but that’s… Read More
Tag: Sherrilyn Phelps
Optimal seeding rates for faba beans can vary from less than 3 bushels per acre to over 6 bushels per acre due to a wide range in seed size. With spring around the corner, Sherrilyn Phelps of Saskatchewan Pulse Growers stresses the importance of knowing the thousand kernel weight of faba bean seed. “Depending on variety and… Read More
There were plenty of lessons to be learned about growing faba beans in 2015, as the number of acres covered by crop insurance in Saskatchewan tripled from just under 20 thousand in 2014 to around 60 thousand last year. “When you increase acres, there are definitely things we gain more information on,” notes Sherrilyn Phelps,… Read More
If you’ve got your faba beans in the ground, as planned, it’s time to take a gander at the crop to assess the seeding depth, population and overall health of the plants. “The minimum plant stand to target right now is 45 plants/m2, so that works out to be 4-5 plants/ft2,” says Sherrilyn Phelps, agronomy and… Read More
Much of the prairies has seen frost or the risk of frost in the past couple of weeks, leaving a lot of us wondering how our plants have fared. For crops where the growing point is above the soil surface, frost can be devastating (think canola). But for many of our plant friends, the growing… Read More