Statistic Canada is out with its Principal Field Crop Estimates for the month of August, and the model-based analysis paints a bit of a different picture than the July report. According to its website, the estimates are calculated based on a model that incorporates coarse resolution satellite data from Statistics Canada’s Crop Condition Assessment Program,… Read More

The latest Statistics Canada field crop survey confirms what most in the farming community have been talking about non-stop for the last month: dry conditions in the west and wet conditions in the east have significantly impacted what crop mix is in the ground. According to the June Field Crop Survey, canola, durum, and winter… Read More

Statistics Canada is reporting last year’s 45.1 per cent decrease in realized net farm income (to $3.9 billion) as the largest since 2006. Realized net income is the difference between a farmer’s cash receipts and operating expenses, minus depreciation, plus income in kind. The attribution for the steep decline includes rising feed, interest and labour… Read More