Statistics Canada shared its report on 2014 Canadian farm cash receipts last week. In laymen’s terms, these numbers are an estimate of how Canadian farmers earned their income last year. (The cash receipt charts do not account for expenses or depreciation, so in no way do they reflect profit or net income.) Total farm cash receipts, according… Read More
Tag: Statistics Canada
Statistics Canada published its annual pre-seeding acreage estimates on Thursday morning. As expected, the planting intentions survey showed Canadian farmers plan to seed more wheat, oats and barley and less canola and soybeans than in 2014 (see chart.) There were some surprises in the report, as the canola acreage projection of 19.4 million acres was almost… Read More
The amount of data we can collect on farms has grown exponentially over the last decade or two. Whether it’s through yield monitors, images captured by satellites or drones, smartphone apps or RFID sensors, our ability to track and record what’s happening has come a long way from the pocketbooks of earlier generations. And there’s good reason… Read More
Traders and analysts were taken aback by some of the key numbers in the crop production report from Statistics Canada released on Thursday morning. While the market was expecting a higher canola production estimate, it was not anticipating the major increase from the StatsCan estimate of 14.1 million metric tonnes in October to 15.6 million in… Read More
While corn, soybean and wheat markets are under pressure from heavy supplies, the outlook for the canola market is relatively tight. Canadian canola production for 2014 was pegged at 14.1 million metric tonnes in the Statistics Canada crop production report published Friday morning — a slight increase from the agency’s August estimates, but below the average… Read More
There’s less canola and wheat left from last year’s bumper crop than traders and analysts thought, according to the Statistics Canada stocks report released on Friday morning. Wheat stocks as of July 31st were pegged at 9.8 million metric tonnes, up 94 percent from the same time last year, but generally below expectations. Canola supplies… Read More
Statistics Canada’s July, 2014 report of principal field crops echos what many farmers and analysts have already concluded — 2014 most certainly won’t be a repeat of 2013. Of note, farmers are set to harvest the most acres of soybeans ever planted in the country — a million more than 2013. Manitoba farmers may harvest… Read More
Statistics Canada published its 2014 March Farm Survey findings, which summarized seeding intentions outlined by roughly 11, 500 farmers in Canada. The survey was conducted from March 24-31, 2014. According to national estimates: Wheat area could decrease by 4.8% Soybean acres are expected to increase by 16.5% Canola acreage may see a 0.7%drop Grain corn could decrease by… Read More
Today’s Statistics Canada numbers of 2013 production confirmed what everyone already new — Canadian farmers have a heck of a harvest in the bin (or headed there shortly). So while the production figures are perhaps old news and bearish, there is one very cool tidbit of information in the list: canola production, for the first… Read More
Corn and feedgrain stocks were the only crop types that held or increased volume as of December, 2012. That’s according to Statistics Canada’s ending stocks report released today. Canola stocks were down over 20% over 2011 ending stocks, barley stocks continued to push downwards, even in the face of higher production in 2012, and oats… Read More