Statistics Canada released its first seeding intentions report for March 31, 2013 this morning. Corn, wheat and oats were given the biggest nod to acreage bumps, however, this survey was conducted to April 3 when farmers still expected spring to arrive before May. Corn acres are estimated at 2.3 million for Ontario, an increase of… Read More
Tag: Statistics Canada
Statistics Canada released its estimates for 2012 year-end crop stocks today. As of December 31, total stocks of most principal field crops were down compared with the same date in 2011. Corn is the big exception — record yields in 2012 have boosted on-farm stocks. Canola stocks are estimated at 7.4 million tonnes, a 23.6% drop from December 31, 2011. It… Read More
The final Statistics Canada numbers are tallied for the 2012 crop and while there are few surprises in the report over the last version, it should be noted that corn and soybeans both had banner years. Grain corn is estimated at a record 13.1 million tonnes, up 15.0% from 2011. In Ontario, Stats Can estimates corn for grain… Read More
The market seemed surprised by the Statistics Canada report released this morning. Farmers did not. StatsCan slashed a million tonnes from its earlier estimate and has pegged production at 13.2 million tonnes. Initial reaction from farmers was, Yes, we could’ve have told you that, but some market analysts are concerned the number is perhaps a… Read More