Welcome to this Monday edition of RealAg Radio. Thanks for stopping by. On today’s show you’ll hear: Dr. Clarence Swanton of the University of Guelph, on how starting clean is critical; Jeremy Boychyn of Alberta Wheat and Barley Commissions, to talk about survivability of winter wheat; Autumn Barnes of Canola Council of Canada will talk… Read More

Most lentils will have been in the ground for a while now, with farmers now starting to scout for emergence, and staging for potential herbicide and machinery passes. According to the Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture, fields left unrolled prior to planting lentils can be rolled following emergence up to the five to seven-node stage, with the best results… Read More

There are times, in my wanderings on the Internet, that I really do wonder — how did I miss this? Earlier this week, Dr. Tom Wolf, former Ag Canada researcher and current nozzle/spraying expert extraordinaire, alerted me to a certain three minute video featuring his colleague Steve Shirtliffe. Shirtliffe is a professor with the University… Read More