Each summer, field days are held all over the agriculture areas of Canada. They provide real insight and hands-on learning for growers under local conditions. Recently, Sure Growth Technologies hosted its annual field day on the Aberhart farm, just north of Marchwell, on the Saskatchewan side of the Manitoba/Saskatchewan border. The local joke is that… Read More

Because blackleg has been around for a long time, it often doesn’t get the attention it deserves. So we’re shining the spotlight back on this old foe in this episode of Canola School, with Canola Council of Canada agronomy specialist Warren Ward and RealAgriculture Saskatchewan field editor Dale Leftwich. They cover the continued importance of… Read More

Semi-dwarf varieties of wheat that were introduced during the Green Revolution changed farming in many parts of the world, and changed the way people could farm. Before these shorter varieties came along, if you were lucky enough to grow a big crop, it would probably lie down. New semi-dwarf varieties didn’t lodge as easily, enabling… Read More


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