Growers and agronomists typically focus on the ear leaf at flowering when tissue testing corn to determine nutrient needs. But is that still the best choice for determining the optimal nutrient prescription for the crop as it moves into the reproductive stages? Purdue University professor emeritus Dr. Tony Vyn believes the evolution of modern hybrids… Read More

The Christmas holidays are here! What better way to spend the time than catching some of the 30 Corn School episodes RealAgriculture published in 2022? We kicked off the season in January with Purdue University agronomy professor Dr. Tony Vyn who tackled the question: where does yield come from? Vyn notes that hybrid research over… Read More

2021 was a big year for corn yield in Ontario. Although not official, the average yield is expected to check in at just over 200 bu/ac — a new record. On this episode of RealAgriculture’s Corn School, we take a closer look at where this yield is coming from with Purdue University agronomy professor Dr…. Read More

We’re celebrating the fifth Monday of January in style with this week’s edition of the RealAg Radio agronomy show. Your host Shaun Haney is joined by none other than RealAgriculture’s agronomist and general wheat enthusiast Peter Johnson to tackle your biggest agronomy questions, such as if winter crops have died all their deaths yet. They… Read More

If you’re targeting maximum corn yield, you need to fine-tune plant nutrition for a particular two-week period of the corn growing season, says Tony Vyn, professor of agronomy at Purdue University. That’s because while we’ve been focused on more rows and kernels per row per ear, modern hybrids can pack tonnes of yield in if… Read More

Talk of banding versus broadcasting nutrients is likely to become a much bigger conversation as Ontario works to reduce the impact farm phosphorous on the Great Lakes. In this Corn School episode, Purdue University professor Tony Vyn offers insights on why he feels farmers should consider banding nutrients as apposed to broadcasting. While attending the… Read More