Thanks for tuning in to this Tuesday with Lyndsey edition of RealAg Radio. Host Lyndsey Smith is joined by: Tyler McCann with Canadian Agri-Food Policy Institute on season 2 of the Ag Policy Connection podcast; Leigh Anderson with Farm Credit Canada on a harvest equipment sales report; A clip from The Agronomists on early season… Read More
Tag: Tracey Baute
A non-winter for much of Ontario and a milder-than-average early spring for parts of Western Canada has got farmers and entomologists on high alert. Parts of Ontario are as much as two or three weeks ahead of the 10-year average for growing degree accumulation, and because insect development is driven by heat, those first crops… Read More
Results of the 2023 Ontario corn rootworm (CRW) trap sites monitored through the Adult Corn Rootworm (CRW) Trap Monitoring Network have been released, tallying up the scope and scale of rootworm issues in the province and where farmers may need to make key decisions for 2024 based on risk level. Ontario provincial entomologist Tracey Baute… Read More
There are several pest species of aphids that attack crops in Canada. Some species are very host-specific, such as the soybean aphid, but others can be found on several plant hosts. Aphids are known to be able to build numbers incredibly rapidly and so require careful scouting during the growing season. To unpack what we… Read More
The Pest Management Regulatory Agency’s decision to restrict the use of lambda-cyhalothrin products for the 2023 growing season could have a significant impact on how growers manage corn, soybean and cereal crops this season. Lambda-cyhalothrin, the active ingredient in some the most commonly used insecticides growers use to control yield-robbing pests such as soybean aphids… Read More
Corn and soybean insects and disease are the focus of Day 3 of Ontario Diagnostic Days. The annual Ontario field crop diagnostic days held at Ridgetown, Elora, and Winchester are again virtual in 2021. On this episode, host Shaun Haney is joined by OMAFRA field crops entomologist Tracey Baute to discuss growing concern about corn rootworm… Read More
Soybean aphid numbers are building quickly in several fields in Ontario, and farmers have already had to book an insecticide pass to get ahead of the pest. In this week’s Wheat Pete’s Word, host Peter Johnson says reports have come in from the Milverton area and Eastern Ontario with aphids at or above threshold. It… Read More
Last week’s insect alert of weevil hitting second-year alfalfa fields has now been expanded to include the potato leafhopper and more acres. Leafhopper can be especially hard on newly-seeded alfalfa, even if it is a resistant variety. The resistant trait is not expressed in the first growing season, explains Peter Johnson, resident agronomist for RealAgriculture…. Read More
Several reports of poor regrowth on second- or later-year alfalfa in the Niagara and other Ontario regions seems to be caused by one culprit: alfalfa weevil. Agronomists are reporting scouting fields that have already reached threshold for the pest (see photos below). Because of early season heat, some established fields of alfalfa were cut relatively… Read More
It’s been a challenging year on many fronts, but here we are, yet again, gearing up for the new season. And that’s exciting! Rootworm, western bean cutworm, and flea beetles are just a few of the insects that are on the watch list for Tracey Baute, field crop entomologist with OMAFRA. James Tansey, entomologist with… Read More