The diversity of North American agriculture is again on display in this week’s news podcast. From the farmer’s role in fighting antibiotic resistance to how Canadian dairy farmers could be affected by a potential Trans-Pacific Partnership to the trends at AgTech Week down in San Francisco, here’s a summary of what happened “This Week on Real… Read More

The dry conditions in much of the west are underlying many conversations and decisions at Canada’s Farm Progress Show in Regina while excess moisture is causing problems in Ontario. Here’s this week’s news update, featuring Norm Hall of the Agricultural Producers Association of Saskatchewan and others: Find more coverage of the ’15 Farm Progress Show here Subscribe: iTunes… Read More

#Plant15 continues at a rapid pace, and it will now include some sugar beet acres in southern Alberta, as growers have settled their contract dispute with Rogers Sugar. The Canadian livestock industry is also awaiting the final ruling from the WTO in the dispute over U.S. country of origin labeling. There’s plenty more on these stories and more… Read More