On this Wednesday edition of RealAg Radio, guest host Kelvin Heppner has a stellar line-up of guests. You’ll hear from: Erin Gowriluk of Grain Growers of Canada, discussing the federal government’s grain dryer program and the launch of consultations on the next ag policy framework; Barry Senft, new executive director and president of Seeds Canada,… Read More

North American hog prices have tumbled dramatically from the record highs seen last summer, pushed by a reduced impact from disease, a growing breeding herd and lagging U.S. pork exports. “It’s amazing how quickly things can change, but it does accent how high we were last year as well,” says Tyler Fulton, director of risk management… Read More

Hog prices have dropped sharply since hitting record highs in the middle of July. It turns out PED (porcine epidemic diarrhea) virus took a smaller toll on U.S. hog supplies than was expected, explains Tyler Fulton, director of risk management for Manitoba-based Hams Marketing Services, in the interview below. Fulton says traders were expecting an 8-10… Read More