A new certificate program offered by the University of Saskatchewan (USask) will set out to provide students the opportunity to “gain knowledge and develop experiential skills in precision agriculture by leveraging competencies from their academic discipline.” Housed in the College of Agriculture and Bioresources, the certificate will bring together USask students from AgBio, the College… Read More

Both Saskatchewan and Manitoba have announced funding for an additional 10 seats total for the veterinary program at the University of Saskatchewan. Saskatchewan will increase its annual quota from 20 to 25 seats for the 2023/24 academic year, while Manitoba will increase its commitment by five, to 20 seats for fall of 2023, with a… Read More

Johne’s disease can be tricky to detect but with cases on the rise, it’s vitally important that producers are armed with proper knowledge and are choosing the best testing option for the herd. A new online testing decision tool, developed by a team led by Dr. Cheryl Waldner, the NSERC/BCRC Industrial Research Chair in One Health… Read More

A five-year research project that will work to determine best-practices when it comes to carbon sequestration in perennial forage and pastures has received a $3.2 million grant from the government’s of Canada and Saskatchewan. The project will focus on identifying carbon stocks within forage acres throughout Saskatchewan and then further decipher if certain farming practices positively… Read More

Bree Kelln has been named to a new research chair position at the University of Saskatchewan. The Beef Industry Integrated Forage Management and Utilization Chair position was created to address a gap in forage research identified in 2012, that suggested that advancements in the Canadian forage industry meant advances in forage had not kept pace with… Read More

A new undergraduate degree program at the University of Saskatchewan (USask) will fill a growing need for interdisciplinary training in both food science and nutrition, the university says. USask says that the new Bachelor of Science in Food and Nutrition degree meets the needs of a distinct group of students who are keen to build knowledge in… Read More

Olds College and the University of Saskatchewan (USask) have signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) at Canadian Western Agribition at Regina, Sask. The MOU’s purpose will be to collaborate in joint activities related to automation and increased incorporation of digital data in agriculture. It will cover a five-year period and will be governed by a joint… Read More

Wild pigs pose ecological and agricultural problems across Canada and into the United States. Every year, this rapidly reproducing, non-native species expands its territory, most recently being discovered in Alberta’s Elk Island National Park. Originally brought into the country to help diversification efforts in agriculture in the late 80s and early 90s, the invasive species, cross-bred… Read More