Listen to this week’s market wrap-up on Soundcloud: Grains are mostly lower this week as the market chews through a bearish report from the USDA on Friday, July 11th. The only place you would’ve seen bulls roaming around was at the Calgary Stampede, I’m afraid. Managed money continues to be net sold of all grains,… Read More

The whole North American cattle industry is focused squarely on the drought situation in the United States. The realities of aggressively pulling animals forward is sure to play on the market and prices through the New Year. With last Friday’s release of the September 1, 2011 Cattle on Feed Report from the USDA, we wait… Read More

Atmospheric CO2 has been on the rise since the 1960s. Levels have increased roughly 22% according to some scientists. That increase can be seen as favourable to plants in general, but according to some researchers, it may not be as broad as that. Some research states that the increased levels of atmospheric CO2 may actually… Read More