Better seed genetics and strong market prices are putting kidney beans on the radar for an increasing number of edible bean growers in Ontario. On this episode of RealAgriculture’s Edible Bean School, Hensall Co-op origination manager Wade Bickell looks at the evolution of kidneys and how two new varieties, Dynasty and Gallantry, have helped fuel… Read More
Tag: Wade Bickell
Black beans, sometimes called black turtle beans, are hugely popular in Latin American and with fans of cajun and creole cuisines. From salads to rice, burritos and fajitas, demand for the small, shiny bean is creating opportunities for bean growers across Canada. On this episode of the RealAgriculture Edible Bean School, host Bernard Tobin looks… Read More
What did growers learn about growing edible beans in 2022? Growers experienced much different conditions in the key growing regions, but overall the season was generally positive. In Manitoba, a good crop prevailed after a wet spring delayed planting. In many cases, growers experienced record yields. Further east, dry conditions stressed the Ontario crop but… Read More
Every year, adzuki beans grown in Ontario fields find their way to markets in southeast Asia where they are synonymous with sweet treats — everything from pastries to candy bars and even adzuki-flavoured Pepsi. On this episode of the RealAgriculture Edible Bean School, host Bernard Tobin discussed adzuki end uses, market opportunities and agronomics with… Read More
Depending on where you farm, the story of the 2021 edible bean varied across the country. Growers in Eastern Canada were the recipients of excellent growing conditions that produced above-average yields in most classes. The story in Western Canada was much different, however, as growers endured a dry, difficult year that produced below-average crops. On… Read More