The Western Canadian Wheat Growers Association has hired a new executive director as Blair Rutter has stepped down from the position. Rutter joined the Wheat Growers in 2005 and led the organization in advocating for ending the Canadian Wheat Board’s monopoly, while pushing for improved market access, a less restrictive variety registration process and improved… Read More

Most grain elevators in Western Canada are going to be asking producers to declare whether they used a plant growth regulator containing chlormequate chloride when delivering this year’s crop. If the answer is yes, they’re going to reserve the right to not accept delivery of the grain. All the companies that are members in the Western Grain Elevator… Read More

When the initial court challenge by the Canadian Wheat Board was launched against the federal government you knew it wouldn’t go unanswered. The first of those legal responses was launched this week by the Western Canadian Wheat Growers Association. The reasoning behind it stems from the CWB’s use of pool funds to launch their suit… Read More

The Canadian Wheat Board election results are in and we didn’t even need a drum roll. The election was quiet before hand and even quieter after the results. Is there anything to take away from this election of the CWB?  Was this election as boring as it seemed and will voter eligibility changes come next?… Read More