The Canadian government’s plan to inject another $300 million into its On-Farm Climate Action Fund (OFCAF) over the next three years is drawing sharp criticism from the chair of the Wheat Growers Association. On Tuesday, Agriculture Minister Lawrence MacAulay formally announced the commitment to continue paying farmers an incentive to implement on-farm practices around cover… Read More

The national industry association that represents the Canadian cereal grains value chain is navigating some internal upheaval, as multiple grain company members have notified the organization of their intent to withdraw their membership in Cereals Canada. Cereals Canada’s members — which include provincial grain producer organizations from across Canada, grain exporters, crop input companies, millers,… Read More

The Wheat Growers Association (formerly known as the Western Canadian Wheat Growers Association) has launched a young farmer mentorship program with the support of Canadian Pacific Kansas City Rail (CPKC). The focus of the mentorship is to encourage young farmers to get informed and involved within agriculture policy, the organization says. Saskatchewan director and treasurer… Read More

The Canadian Grain Commission is backtracking on planned changes to wheat test weight standards after farmers and a diverse group of farm organizations raised concerns about the move. On Friday morning the CGC announced it will repeal the regulatory changes that are set to take effect on Tuesday, Aug. 1 as soon as possible. Under… Read More