Wheat School: Combining inputs creates yield impact


Grow great wheat! It’s a catchy slogan, sure, but HOW do you grow great wheat?

In this episode of the Wheat School, Peter “Wheat Pete” Johnson is fired up about the synergistic relationship between wheat inputs.

“As we add all these fungicides, we add more nitrogen, we add these plant growth regulators, how does that impact in terms of the economics?” asks Johnson.

It’s awfully dry in Ontario this year and you might be thinking that the return on investment (ROI) is going to be real low. Johnson says there probably won’t be big yields this year, but some ROI trials with 180 pounds of N versus 120 pounds with and without growth regulator are showing how those two inputs work together. (See the video for photos of some results, more story below).

The plant growth regulator keeps the crop standing and the nitrogen and fungicide synergy ramps plant growth up — everything works together to drive yield. “I’m really hopeful that we get a better grain fill year, not so hot, we put all these factors together, we might just blow the doors off wheat yield in the province of Ontario,” says Johnson.


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