Wheat School: Do Double Nozzles Have More Droplets?


If you’ve been talking to your neighbours about spraying, chances are you’ve heard that double nozzles are one way of increasing the number of droplets sprayed. Not necessarily, says spray application specialist Tom Wolf.

“The unstated assumption behind that is that droplets are getting smaller when you have two nozzles instead of one,” Wolf says. But, “if the double nozzle does not change the spray quality, there are no changes in the droplet number.” That doesn’t mean there aren’t merits to using a double nozzle — there are — but doubling droplets is not necessarily one of them.

In this episode of Wheat School, Wolf further busts the double-nozzle-droplet myth and gives suggestions for applicators looking for that finer spray.

For more on the quick adoption of double nozzles, and the reasoning behind it, check out Wheat School: Is the Double Nozzle a Must for Fusarium Control?

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