Wheat School – How Have Fungicide Decisions Evolved Over Time?


Over the last 10 years, the thoughts and the strategy behind fungicide application have changed dramatically. Whether it’s new information brought to light by research or changing external circumstances, the process behind how farmers make fungicide decisions has evolved.

Over the short term, some of those external changes that have influenced decision making involve the tightening of rotations, weather variability and changes in the type and arrival of pests. There are also a host of new varieties with different susceptibilities that make a generic “spray by date” approach a thing of the past.


This episode of the Wheat School looks at the new realities affecting fungicide decisions. Richard Marsh of Syngenta talks about changes in the area of fungicides from economics to application methods and spray timing.

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Other Episodes

Wheat School (view all) Season 3 (2012) Episode 19


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