Wheat School: Late nitrogen pumps up protein and profits


Surging wheat markets mean there’s plenty of profit potential in high protein wheat, and Peter Johnson has some tips to help you cash in on those premiums.

In this episode of RealAgriculture Wheat School, Johnson, our resident agronomist and shameless wheat promoter, shares protein management insights for growers in Western Canada and spring wheat growers in Ontario.

For Johnson, higher wheat protein comes down to two management practices. First of all, growers have to spray a fusarium fungicide at pollination: “That’s a given,” says Johnson.

The rest of the story is all about nitrogen.

“Growers have to remember that protein is one-sixth nitrogen,” says Johnson who explains the benefits of post-anthesis nitrogen and how it can boost protein leading up to harvest.

Related: Wheat School: Top-Dressing Nitrogen to Boost Protein

“Look at your nitrogen program. If you don’t have enough, go in and put some on about 10 days after heading… You need at least 30 pounds of actual nitrogen to give you that protein boost,” says Johnson who also evaluates nitrogen sources and the best application methods, weather conditions and timing to pump up protein.

Click here for more Wheat School episodes.

Want more? Peter also discussed how to boost protein and the impact of recent heat on yield potential on this week’s Agronomy Monday edition of RealAg Radio — listen here.

Other Episodes

Wheat School (view all) Season 8 (2017) Episode 11


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