Wheat School: Late Planted Soybeans Are Holding Up Wheat Acres — What Are Your Options?


We’re staring down the Thanksgiving weekend and harvested soybean fields are few and far between. All these late soybeans are holding up wheat acres — if you want to get wheat in, does it pay to get creative?

In this episode of the Wheat School, Peter Johnson, cereal specialist for the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, runs through your options — from how you can broadcast wheat, but the reasons why you may not want to (hello, slugs, winter kill and wind whip next spring!). Also of note, one sharp-eyed Real Agriculture reader mentioned that treated seed broadcast on to standing soybeans COULD end up in the soybean sample — just a word of caution. (Click here for a short post on why you should never, ever ship treated seed).

What’s more, Johnson covers seeding rates to target as the fall wears on, and reminds farmers of what yields are possible if you’re patient, do a great job at planting, put down that starter fertilizer and get a good stretch of autumn weather.


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