How late can you plant winter wheat and still get an amazing plant stand?
As agronomist Peter Johnson discovers on this episode of RealAgriculture’s Wheat School, even wheat planted in mid-November can deliver a top crop. Earlier this summer he visited with C&M Seeds research agronomist Mike Holzworth at the company’s variety testing site. Johnson can hardly contain his enthusiasm as he casts his eyes on the plot featured in this video, which was planted Nov. 9 at 1.6 million seeds per acre.
Holzworth notes that the stars aligned to produce the impressive plot — a fit seedbed, nice fall, mild winter, and powerful silt loam soil — but Johnson says it does illustrate the potential of planting late when soybean harvest lingers.
In the video, Holzworth and Johnson review best practices for late planting including the importance of fit soil, seed-placed phosphorous, fall weed control and higher seeding rates. Johnson notes that higher rates will inflate seed costs but his research indicates no downside to pushing rates to as high as 3 million seeds per acre.
Click here for more Wheat School episodes.
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